Monday, August 11, 2008

August 7th

I had been feeling a bit reflective last week as I wrote. Sometimes that old infertility stuff pokes me and gives me that feeling of inferiority. I try to think of it as old satan trying to discourage me.
However every August 7th reminds me of God's miracles in my life (if you haven't read about why this day is special to me go back to the first posts on my blog).
Last Thursday was August 7th again and I did have a moment when I was wondering if my life was fruitful...
I had noticed earlier in the week when I was outside in our yard that our cannas still hadn't bloomed this year...a bit late. Mark always plants a large round bed of cannas in our backyard. They remind him of his grandfather who always loved them.
However, last Thursday, just as I was wondering if my life was fruitful, I looked out our back window and there was the canna bed with four big beautiful blooms and the thought popped into my head that my life will bear fruit....all in His time and way. It felt like a little miracle from Him....a gentle reminder of His infinite love.

1 comment:

a thorn in the pew said...

That is really cool. God bless!