Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eve of Ash Wednesday

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil 4:8

That is what I am going to strive to do this Lenten season. I am going to cut way back on my internet time, though I will be here everyday at least. I know that I have been spending too much time on my computer and that I need to force myself to curtail it and this is the best way I know how.
I am going to strive to fix my mind more on our dear Lord. I truly think that difficult times are coming; I feel it in my heart. The world is about to change somehow, unless there are many conversions and that would be a change in itself.
I am finding myself praying more and more for His wisdom and strength. I am not afraid right now though I know that I may have moments of fear if bad times come. I pray that I may have the grace to persevere; that my children and extended family; my dear friends all have the strength and grace to persevere.

"Walk while you may have the light, so that darkness may not overcome you." Jn 12:35

There may be very dark times coming, but the Lord will be our light. Always remember that the light of even one small candle can overcome the darkness but it is impossible for darkness to overcome the light of even just one small candle. Let Christ be your light that the darkness can never overcome.

Be not afraid...

A blessed night to all.....

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