I have been catching up with some of the people I taught 25 years ago on Facebook. I found a group for the alumni of the school and I've written messages back and forth with some of my students who are now all in their late 30's. I'm finding out all about their lives...
I have often wondered about them and how they're all doing. I do pray for them as a group often and when one of them in particular pops into my mind, I pray for them individually.
Some people have put up pictures from way back when including one of my class from 1983-1984. All those beautiful young faces....
Tonight I pulled out my box of memories...memories that go back 40 years. Papers I wrote in grade school, high school, college. Pictures, cards, calendars....one including the first year Mark and I were dating. Every week I wrote down what we did on our date.
Letters and cards from my students, pictures they drew for me, lesson plans and grade books....
So many memories....
But it felt so strange....as if I was looking at the memories of someone else....a girl I no longer am. It made me realize how much my life has changed; how much I have changed. The young girl with all those dreams has grown up and has new dreams....
If the dear Lord blesses me with 40 more years, I wonder what I will think when I look back at the box of memories from now....
A blessed, peaceful night to all.....

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